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Em Ingles

It is never too late to help
Never too late to be happy
It is never too late to fix an error
Never too late hopes terms

When will someone help us because I can not stand
Where is this country is happy like that?
It will be our sowing and reaping?
Sowing and harvesting will be ours?

We can always help those in need
We can always make someone happy in this world
We can always fix a mistake
Where have ...

When will someone help us because I can not stand
Where is this country is happy happy like that?
It will be our sowing and reaping?
Sowing and harvesting will be ours?

Why? We are bad? Do not we deserve more happiness?
Our fault we were born that way?
I wanted to be happy, as a nation that ever was.

Lyrics: Matsuke Yume

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